How to Build Muscle Fast (Part 1)

How to Build Muscle Fast (Part 1)

How do I build muscle fast? This is one of the most common questions among gym-goers across the globe and there seems to be a different answer everywhere you look. The goal of today’s article is to explain scientifically the ideal way to pack muscle onto your body in...
The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Training

The Pros and Cons of CrossFit Training

CrossFit has become one of the most popular training styles in the country. Targeting people’s competitive nature, CrossFit trainers have done an excellent job getting people off the couch and into the gym. However, there is quite a bit of controversy lately about the...
The 5 Best Barbell Exercises

The 5 Best Barbell Exercises

If you asked 100 personal trainers what the best piece of workout equipment you can get would be, 99 of them would tell you to get a barbell. Barbells can be used in exercises that work virtually every muscle in your body, and some of the best exercises you can do...