Strength Training: Big Boost for Lower Blood Pressure

Strength Training: Big Boost for Lower Blood Pressure

Strength training. It conjures images of sculpted biceps and bulging chests. But what if we told you it could also be a secret weapon in your fight for healthy blood pressure? Strength Training: Your Unexpected Ally Against High Blood Pressure High blood pressure,...
The 5 Best Barbell Exercises

The 5 Best Barbell Exercises

If you asked 100 personal trainers what the best piece of workout equipment you can get would be, 99 of them would tell you to get a barbell. Barbells can be used in exercises that work virtually every muscle in your body, and some of the best exercises you can do...
Lagging or Weak Body Parts? Read This!

Lagging or Weak Body Parts? Read This!

If you’ve been working out for a while you can likely feel that you have one or two stubborn muscles that just don’t keep up with the rest of your body. For many people, maybe their calves lag behind in growth compared to the rest of their legs, or perhaps it’s that...