Will Bodyweight Workouts Build Muscle?

Will Bodyweight Workouts Build Muscle?

There are a lot of conflicting ideas out there on whether or not bodyweight exercises will build muscle. Some say bodyweight workouts will keep you lean, but not give you muscle mass. Others argue that bodyweight is all the weight you need, and lifting weights at the...
3 Ways to Strengthen (and Protect) Your Lower Back

3 Ways to Strengthen (and Protect) Your Lower Back

Nothing puts you out of commission quite like an injured back. Anyone who’s ever thrown their back out from practicing improper form or strained their back from lifting too much knows how frustrating it is to put your feet up while you wait to recover. Studies...
5 Ways Employers Benefit from Workplace Gyms

5 Ways Employers Benefit from Workplace Gyms

Have your employees been begging for an office gym? No doubt, they want the convenience of having a workout facility within walking distance of their desk, and they’d really enjoy not having to pay for a gym membership elsewhere. But what’s in it for you,...
Hate Cardio? Here’s How to Love It

Hate Cardio? Here’s How to Love It

We hear it all of the time: I hate cardio. Why is it that one of the most important types of physical activity out there is so dreaded by so many people? Do people really hate cardio that much, or are they doing it wrong? And what about all of those people who claim...
How to Build Muscle Fast (Part 2)

How to Build Muscle Fast (Part 2)

A huge part of the muscle-building process is making sure that you’re getting the right amount of calories. Getting into a discussion on proper nutrition could take an entire book, but we’ll just hit a few highlights here. Many people believe that to build a lot of...