Let’s face it, it’s not very difficult to start an exercise program. After all, most of us have probably done it dozens of times. The trick, of course, comes with sticking with it. There are many variables that affect how often we exercise – habits, mental roadblocks, time, motivation, family obligations, and more.
A new approach may help many of you experience the benefits of regular exercise. It takes a plan to be successful in finding 4-6 days (30-60 minutes) a week to exercise, every week, every year. Need some guidance, we would be happy to help you design a health & fitness plan by taking into consideration your goals, time, schedule, injuries, etc.
Most people exercise to lose weight but looking further is the key. A recent study asked long-term exercisers (who had been working out for over 10 years consistently) to list and rank their motivators. The top 5 were health, feelings of well-being, energy, stress management, sleeping better, and feeling relaxed. Notice that weight loss wasn’t one of them. Permanent weight loss will come automatically with consistency!
Try to find new motivators for yourself. These motivators will help you when the initial enthusiasm of your plan wanes when you get distracted by other things going on in your lives and when you don’t think that you’re seeing results quickly enough.
Hopefully one of the tips below can help you become more consistent with your workouts.
Ever wonder why some people are so consistent? Creating a habit may be a way for some of us to get going. Keep track of your workouts every time, put your gym bag next to the front door each day, schedule your workout just like another appointment. The cue-and-reward is a proven system that we rely on to perform actions without much thought. Our neurological system allows us to form behaviors without thinking. And the primary way to encode those behaviors is to use a reward so that we begin anticipating when we see the
After each workout day treat yourself to a glass of wine, beer, chocolate shake, massage, etc. Chocolate shake you say? Research on this has shown that when people habitually exercise other changes happen including eating healthier. Sooner or later, you’ll ease off on the chocolate shake. Personally, we really like chocolate shakes, but only drink them a couple of times a year. However, we do eat a small piece of dark chocolate almond bark a few times a week.
Workout Buddy
Having a fitness partner, with a similar schedule, can motivate you to work out. You’re going to have days when you don’t feel like working out, days that are hectic and the time could be spent elsewhere, tired days, and lazy days. That’s where the partner can help. You’ll be much more likely to get going if you have the accountability.
A workout partner, or a personal trainer, can make the time fly, provide accountability, instruction, advice, and encouragement. The occasional missed workout is okay, but once it starts happening regularly your results will stop … or go in reverse. Remember consistency is the key to progress and lapses in workout discipline can lead to lapses in your eating habits as well.
Being consistent is part of building your plan. Contact us today to talk with a fitness consultant on building your plan.