Cardio Equipment
Cardiovascular workouts are an essential part of any successful training regimen. They not only improve heart health and endurance but also aid in weight management and overall well-being. When it comes to cardio equipment, Balance Fitness has a vast collection of top-quality machines from the best manufacturers in the industry. From treadmills, ellipticals, exercise bikes, rowers and more, their selection is sure to have the perfect fit for any fitness level and goal. With their top-of-the-line equipment, achieving your cardiovascular fitness goals has never been easier.
Cardio Categories
Which cardio machine is the right one for you? Is it the machine meant to get you the most “fit”, the machine that burns the highest number of calories in the shortest time, or the device with the least amount of short- or long-term impact on your joints? Every cardiovascular machine is different, and it may seem dizzying to try and choose the right one. Some machines might be ignored because of the impact, others because they seem boring. You may want specific focus on your arms or your legs and be looking for a machine that has specialized options just for that.
At Balance Fitness, we are ready to respond to these very valid questions and concerns. We will help you find an exercise machine that suits you by taking into consideration your goals, interests and any possible physical issues such as injuries that may affect what machine is right for you. You’ll be able to compare all the manufacturers’ equipment side by side so that you can really get a feel for the differences. Balance Fitness will give you a breakdown of each machine, its advantages, disadvantages, and let you know which are our personal favorites.
Click on any of the manufacturer logo links below to view each company’s full line of equipment – all available at one of Balance Fitness’s locations in San Mateo, CA. If you’re looking for more information or to schedule a consultation, you can always give us a call at (650) 348-1259. You can also contact us online! We’d be happy to speak with you about your needs, set up a consultation, and meet with you as soon as possible!